

It Done Broke.

Skype Subscription Rate Change

I have a Skype Unlimited Country subscription which, here in the UK, cost me £1.95/month.  It seemed like a great deal.  Just moments ago, I got an email from Skype telling me that my subscription renewal had failed because it had been refused by PayPal.  I logged into PayPal and there was no record of the transaction.

That’s when I headed over to the Skype site and noticed that my subscription was about to run out in 2 days because of this renewal “failure.”  However, I also noticed that the subscription rate had jumped from £1.95/month to £2.95/month without any indication as to what had changed.  The subscription forum makes no mention of it (but there does seem to be a lot of complaining going on over there).

You know, it’s just a little thing, but I would hope that if you’re going to summarily hike the rates, you’d at least (a) tell me, and (b) convince me it’s worth it.

Category: Complaining, Real World


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