

It Done Broke.

Bittorrent QuickLook Generator 1.3

New and improved!  Now you can customize the look of the output yourself. This should work with OSX 10.6-10.9.

For more details and download, go to the Downloads page.

Transmission with Quick Look

The OSX Transmission BitTorrent client now supports Quick Look in OSX 10.8 (Mountain Lion) as of version 2.70.

Smokescreen Javascript Flash Player

I’m intrigued by this.  On my system, the Flash player plugin is 31MB of top-quality Adobe-compiled code.  How can it be that Smokescreen, a Javascript implementation of a Flash player that weighs in at 175.1kB (minified) can fully replicate the functionality of the Adobe player?  Either (a) it doesn’t (perhaps a work-in-progress, but still…), or (b) Adobe’s plugin is a steaming pile?

Bittorrent Metainfo File Quick Look Generator 1.2

Re-build as Universal binary.

Ver­sion 1.2 now avail­able on the Down­loads page.

Bittorrent Metainfo File Quick Look Generator 1.1

I’ve updated the Quick Look generator for bittorrent meta files. Thanks to Guillaume Lessard for pointing out the deficiency in calculating total sizes for super-large torrents.  So…it should be okay for a while…

Version 1.1 now available on the Downloads page.