

It Done Broke.

WP-Typogrify WordPress Plugin: Widows

Typogrify 1.6
Wordpress 2.7.1

The Typogrify plugin seems to wipe out the content of some single post pages when the widow prevention option is activated.  I don’t have the patience right now to troubleshoot it, but the wp-Hyphenate plugin mentioned on the Typogrify home page also handles widows and also deals with quite a few other typography concerns.  It seems Typogrify and wp-Hypenate will be merged at some point.

Note: if you decide to install wp-Hyphenate, don’t download it from the website and then try to directly install it from the Zip file using WordPress’ plugin installer (i.e. “Add New” in 2.7).  The Zip file is a wrapper which encloses the actual plugin code in a superfluous directory and causes WordPress to be unable to find the plugin.  If you accidentally do this, you’ll have to log into your WordPress install, go to wp-content/plugins/wp-Hyphenate_1_07_beta (or whatever the current wrapper version is) and move the enclosed wp-Hyphenate directory a level up into wp-content/plugins. Also, this plugin doesn’t seem to be available yet on the WordPress plugin directory.

Category: Troubleshooting, Web

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