

It Done Broke.

wp-Typography Beta for WordPress

Haven’t gotten around to installing it yet, but last week wp-Typography (a merge between wp-Hyphenate and wp-Typogrify) for WordPress was released under a beta version.  The author has also factored out the functional code into a separate PHP package for typography.

wp-Hyphenate WordPress Plugin

wp-Hyphenate 1.07 beta
GigPress 1.4.5

I have a site that uses GigPress and in order to get it to embed its own code you need to insert a [gigpress_upcoming] (or similar) code into the page.  However, when wp-Hyphenate is activated it seems GigPress gets skipped and the string literal “[gigpress_upcoming]” gets regurgitated onto the page.

Update: It is indeed a known problem by the developer who quickly got in touch with me and informed me that it’s fixed in the upcoming release.  If this is actually bugging you and you need a quick fix you need to edit wp-content/plugins/wp-hyphenate/wp-hyphenate.php around line 94.  Change:

add_filter('category_description', 'hyph_preProcess', 10);
add_filter('comment_text', 'hyph_preProcess', 10);
add_filter('the_content', 'hyph_preProcess', 10);
add_filter('the_excerpt', 'hyph_preProcess', 10);
add_filter('the_title', 'hyph_title', 10);


add_filter('category_description', 'hyph_preProcess', 9999);
add_filter('comment_text', 'hyph_preProcess', 9999);
add_filter('the_content', 'hyph_preProcess', 9999);
add_filter('the_excerpt', 'hyph_preProcess', 9999);
add_filter('the_title', 'hyph_title', 9999);

Which forces wp-Hyphenate to do its duty last.

WP-Typogrify WordPress Plugin: Widows

Typogrify 1.6
Wordpress 2.7.1

The Typogrify plugin seems to wipe out the content of some single post pages when the widow prevention option is activated.  I don’t have the patience right now to troubleshoot it, but the wp-Hyphenate plugin mentioned on the Typogrify home page also handles widows and also deals with quite a few other typography concerns.  It seems Typogrify and wp-Hypenate will be merged at some point.

Note: if you decide to install wp-Hyphenate, don’t download it from the website and then try to directly install it from the Zip file using WordPress’ plugin installer (i.e. “Add New” in 2.7).  The Zip file is a wrapper which encloses the actual plugin code in a superfluous directory and causes WordPress to be unable to find the plugin.  If you accidentally do this, you’ll have to log into your WordPress install, go to wp-content/plugins/wp-Hyphenate_1_07_beta (or whatever the current wrapper version is) and move the enclosed wp-Hyphenate directory a level up into wp-content/plugins. Also, this plugin doesn’t seem to be available yet on the WordPress plugin directory.