

It Done Broke.

Firefox 3.5 JavaScript Security Bug

Just as I was starting to feel settled in and enjoying the speed of Firefox 3.5 (with Gears – yay!), a security vulnerability has been found in the JIT JavaScript engine that makes FF3.5 so snappy.  The temporary solution is to go into about:config and disable it.

I’m very, very crankie right now.  I swear to god, I hope they’re quick about fixing it.  Safari is feeling mighty close…

Google Gears & Firefox Working Again

Google Gears (0.5.29) has just been released and now works with Firefox 3.5.  I’ve only tested it so far with WordPress.

Firefox 3.5pre Temporarily Goes Insane

I just fired up Firefox 3.5b4 and did a Check for Updates, downloaded 3.5pre and restarted.  The profile didn’t quite load up and seemed to be hanging (and working the hard drive) so I killed it.  I then noticed my disk space had dropped precipitously.  I searched around and found that the profile directory had 117 new files named “places.sqlite-*.corrupt” occupying 1.7GB of space.

When I restarted Firefox, no problem…weird.  I guess this sometimes happens?

Firefox 3.5pre Released

Yet another incarnation of the impending Firefox 3.5 release, although it doesn’t seem to be up at the normal beta version download site which still has 3.5b4.  Apparently, if you download 3.5b4 and then do an in-browser Check For Updates you’ll be fixed up proper.

Firefox 3.1 Beta 3

Firefox 3.1b3, released today is downloadable here.  If they’d waited another day, they could have numbered it 3.141592, Beta 4, and put it up at 4:32pm (since they’re now considering continuing the arbitrary version numbering scheme).  Oh well.  Life is full of missed chances for nerds.  What is that, anyway?  A number pun?

I’ll be waiting for the OSX Intel optimized version at who says it should probably be up today sometime.

Update: here it is.