

It Done Broke.

Phishing Across The Pond

Intro: this is a brief account, excerpted from the original which was much longer and had more detailed forensic information.  I decided not to publish it since it might be under investigation but several traces of it are still publicly available if you know where to look.

I have to admit, I am often amused by the level of deviousness that goes into scamming, fraud, etc.  Email phishing is particularly interesting because it is a specialized form of social engineering fraud which is filtered through technology and preys on the naïve and their understanding of technology.

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Battling Spam Idea #1

As a countermeasure, how about launching a spam campaign that instead of making you question your manhood (e.g.”Is your w4ng big enough?”) encourages you and boosts your self-esteem (e.g. “Your p3n1s is plenty huge. Remember last night?”)

Google Apps Sent Box Spam

I’ve been noticing in the past few days that there’s been backscatter-like spam showing up in the sent boxes of some of my Google Apps account. This hasn’t happened on any Gmail-proper accounts but that could just be because the Apps accounts are more “publicly advertised”.  Anyone else noticed this?

Rolex Spam

I’m really curious as to why so much spam seems to be devoted to peddling watches.  I mean, sexual enhancement I can kind of understand.  But do I really want a Rolex?  Is a Rolex equivalent to a “massive member that will have her moaning all night long?”