

It Done Broke.

WiFi scanners removed from App Store

Apple is in the process of removing WiFi scanning apps from the App Store for using a private framework.  Some of these apps provide functionality that the iPhone OS weakly attempts.  Its own interface is buried away in Settings and tells you the bare minimum of what it thinks you need to know.  There’s no advanced mode which is what these apps provide.  That this is a private framework at all is somewhat of a mystery since it’s hard to believe that they’re genuinely interested in the public’s security concerns.

More Adobe Hilarity

Choice quotes from Adobe’s CEO in this article:

“Considering the amount of content on the Web that uses Flash — not allowing your consumers to access that content isn’t showing off the Web in all its glory.”


“Apple’s business model is more trying to maintain a proprietary lock.”


“the 10.1 version will do what Jobs wants it to do.”

I can hear the canned laugh-track as I read it.

WordPress For iPhone Local Drafts

WordPress 2.9.1
Wordpress for iPhone 2.1-2.2

Saving a local draft fails. Not iust fails, but completely doesn’t happen at all. Writing a post of any length goes into /dev/null. Seems it’s not an exactly uncommon issue as this forums post shows but for some reason isn’t reproduceable.

Saving as a draft to the server is fine, though.

Steve Jobs: “Change your apps name. Not that big of a deal.”

It’s been reported that Steve Jobs responded to an iPhone app developer who was told by Apple legal to change his app’s name. Apparently, he suggested that changing the name of the app as demanded wasn’t that big of a deal.

In the same spirit, I’m going to start a company called Apple. I think they’ll understand when my legal team demands they change their name. Not that big of a deal.

Palm Pre Beaten iPhone?

Citing a dinner conversation in which, surely, there was too much wine involved, this article on VentureBeat posits that developers might have a chance of making a bigger impact on the application ecosystem of the Palm Pre than the iPhone.

The question really comes down to the availability of the SDK.  While the iPhone SDK is freely available to everyone (unless you intend to upload to the App Store or develop on a hardware version of the phone, as opposed to the software simulator), the Palm Pre’s Mojo SDK is kept tightly in Palm’s…umm…grip.  One assumes this is for some semblance of quality control but until developers can actually start coding the Pre’s software offering is going to remain thin.  This does sound vaguely similar to the beginning of the iPhone’s SDK history, but it’s certainly premature to start the hyperbole of “Has The Palm Pre Already Beaten The iPhone?”