

It Done Broke.

Rolex Spam

I’m really curious as to why so much spam seems to be devoted to peddling watches.  I mean, sexual enhancement I can kind of understand.  But do I really want a Rolex?  Is a Rolex equivalent to a “massive member that will have her moaning all night long?”

Shared Thomson PC Server

If you have a BT wireless router/modem you might have noticed a strange PC server called Thomson sharing on your network.  Apparently, the router is running an undocumented version of Samba and sharing out the USB port as a network drive.  I can’t find any actual documentation to verify this.

Apparently, this router was, as of firmware version 6.2.6B vulnerable to hijacking via a cross-site scripting attack (which NoScript would ostensibly prevent).  *sigh*

iPhone Flash Strategy

I wonder…is the Flash embargo on the iPhone an ingenious strategy to claw back some of the market share that Flash’s video capability has won over Quicktime?  I know Apple claims it has reservations over Flash being an application platform but maybe there’s another benefit to them.

It seems Flickr has enabled Quicktime video playback support and wouldn’t it be a coup if YouTube followed suit?

Venice Is Sinking

I was wondering why, if Venice is flooded 200 days out of the year now, why they haven’t done anything about it.  I mean…why not a giant levee?

Well, I guess there are plans.  But by the time they get around to it, won’t it be too late?