

It Done Broke.

Shared Thomson PC Server

If you have a BT wireless router/modem you might have noticed a strange PC server called Thomson sharing on your network.  Apparently, the router is running an undocumented version of Samba and sharing out the USB port as a network drive.  I can’t find any actual documentation to verify this.

Apparently, this router was, as of firmware version 6.2.6B vulnerable to hijacking via a cross-site scripting attack (which NoScript would ostensibly prevent).  *sigh*

WordPress & Firebug

WordPress 2.7
Firefox 3.1b2
Firebug 1.4X.0a12

The Firebug add-on for Firefox seems to have an odd effect on the WordPress administration panel.  I haven’t tested it thoroughly to figure out which pages or why (or in what other ways, or what other versions), but it unexpectedly reloads the post editing page.

That is, if you’re writing or editing a post it reloads it without warning.  It also seems to embed a copy of the whole page in the Categories <div> on the RHS…perhaps they’re related.  Turning Firebug off or disabling it for the page kills the problem.

I do realize that version-wise, I’m somewhat on the razor’s edge.

Update: WP 2.8, Firefox 3.5RC2 and Firebug 1.5X.0a05 works.

Google Earth Plugin

I’m running a development version of Firefox on an Intel Mac.  The new Google Earth browser plugin doesn’t recognize it as Firefox 3.0+ so I installed the User Agent Switcher plugin and added an agent that the plugin would recognize:

Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.5; nb-NO; rv: Gecko/2008092414 Firefox/3.0.3

You also need the Nightly Tester Tools plugin to get the User Agent plugin to override the compatibility check too.

Twitter: crankietech

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