

It Done Broke.

Shared Thomson PC Server

If you have a BT wireless router/modem you might have noticed a strange PC server called Thomson sharing on your network.  Apparently, the router is running an undocumented version of Samba and sharing out the USB port as a network drive.  I can’t find any actual documentation to verify this.

Apparently, this router was, as of firmware version 6.2.6B vulnerable to hijacking via a cross-site scripting attack (which NoScript would ostensibly prevent).  *sigh*


I’ve been trying to be responsible by using NoScript, a Firefox add-on.  Its supposed to stop malicious Javascript code and cross-site scripting (among a host of other nasty web bugs) from ruining your life.  I understand and appreciate that this is an important and noble goal.  However, it uses preemptive blocking, meaning that every single website on the internet (or 99% anyway) is broken until you tell NoScript not to break it.

I’m sure the author of NoScript would argue that the internet is broken the *other* way around and its a far lesser evil to do the extra clicking.  But I’ve just come to my wits end with trying to figure out why, so often, I’m wondering why a button doesn’t click or menus are NOT MENUS.  So I’ve disabled it for now until my life gets ruined by cross-site scripting.