

It Done Broke.

Bittorrent QuickLook Generator 1.3

New and improved!  Now you can customize the look of the output yourself. This should work with OSX 10.6-10.9.

For more details and download, go to the Downloads page.

Bittorrent Metainfo File Quick Look Generator 1.2

Re-build as Universal binary.

Ver­sion 1.2 now avail­able on the Down­loads page.

Bittorrent Metainfo File Quick Look Generator 1.1

I’ve updated the Quick Look generator for bittorrent meta files. Thanks to Guillaume Lessard for pointing out the deficiency in calculating total sizes for super-large torrents.  So…it should be okay for a while…

Version 1.1 now available on the Downloads page.

Bittorrent Metainfo File Quick Look Generator

I’ve thrown together a Quick Look generator for those Leopard users out there who have poorly named Bittorrent metainfo files.  It’s a work in progress, so no warranties, but it works for me…here it is anyway.

For a more complete description, got to the Downloads page.

Gamma Correction

There’s a posting on TUAW about how to set your display’s gamma in OSX Leopard to match Snow Leopard’s.  It describes in detail how to go about doing it without actually telling you what you’re messing with.   It’s a concept that isn’t Mac-specific, though.

When I was working at an animation studio back in the late 90s, I was introduced to the avuncular Charles Poynton who has made a career out of sitting on panels, making recommendations to technical boards and writing books on video, color and especially gamma.  I took a course from Charles along with some colleagues because we needed to implement color correction and set a mutual standard across our studios around the world.  So knowing what it was we were trying to achieve was somewhat key.  We had digital ink and paint and compositing people on SGIs, color artists on Macs, a renegade CGI team that switched from Maya to 3D Studio Max and then editors on Macs in Avid but did their viewing through expensive Sony Evergreen reference monitors.  Finally, an art director who looked at the work on all of these systems and wondered why everything looked different.  The majority of people don’t need to ever concern themselves with this stuff and should probably just move on.

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