

It Done Broke.


Given that Fluid is having this disagreement with Gears, I thought I’d try creating a Mozilla Prism-based SSB instance for Google Reader.  There’s a nifty theme for Reader called Helvetireader that I was using with Fluid.  It also works with Prism but the instructions on this page didn’t work for me.

I had to take the webapp.css file from the helvetireader.webapp (which is just a zip archive) and drop it into the Prism instance (at /Applications/Helvetireader/Contents/Resources/webapp/).  You could also just directly create this file – it’s contents are just a CSS import as described in that last link.

Unlike the Fluid-based SSB, Prism instances seem to require extensions, plugins and themes separately, i.e. per-instance.  I guess this is a good thing and avoids the kind of snarl that Gears and Fluid are having.