

It Done Broke.

WordTwit Strangeness

WordPress 2.9.1
WordTwit 2.3.1

Some bizarro stuff going on with WordTwit. First it was complaining about a foreach() loop and coughing up a PHP error. Now it doesn’t seem to know how to handle the multi-dimensional array $tweets; it spits back the first character of the first levels elements. I posted the letter “t” -900 minutes ago and the number “2” 14646 days ago?

In another theme that handled widgets, similar hanky, but with doing something with an array that PHP didn’t like.

Unfortunately, Bravenewcode, the authors, have their support forums in plastic surgery right now and I’m not sure how to contact them. I’ve also tried hitting them up on Twitter for a clue on how to hit them up. Nothing yet.

Update: the lads from Bravenewcode have quickly fixed this. It was an error caused by Twitter not returning an array when only one tweet was available (when it normally does). WordTwit 2.3.2 and WPTouch address this issue.